




学生 walking through the entrance of The Green Vale School, 长岛的一所私立学校, 纽约

新闻 & 视频

Congratulations, Class of 2024: A Journey of Achievement 和 Growth

While the graduating Class of 2024 may have been small in 大小, 他们的同志情谊弥补了这一点, 字符, 和成就. 6月11日, the 8th Grade graduation ceremony commenced with a procession of faculty, 政府, 和工作人员, 为我们尊敬的26位毕业生带路. Dr. 杰西·多尔蒂, 校长, 热烈欢迎, setting the stage for the insightful address by the chosen student speaker, 亨利·麦考利·伍德豪斯,24岁.

In a heartfelt speech, Woodhouse reflected on the 8th Grade’s journey at Green Vale. He likened their experience to completing a jigsaw puzzle, with each person 和 experience contributing to their growth. He acknowledged the essential roles played by the 校长, 幼儿和低年级学校主任, 老师, 托管人, 厨房工作人员, 保安人员, 管理员, 和父母塑造他们的道路.

Woodhouse empha大小d how the class of 2024 has matured intellectually, 在情感上, 和社会, 让他们为高中的下一个篇章做好准备. He compared their growth to fitting the pieces of a puzzle together, with each individual 和 memory being a crucial part of the final picture. 伍德豪斯强调了将吸取的教训和记忆发扬光大的重要性, 说, “随着我们的前进, we need to reflect back on what was great in our last puzzle to bring into our new one." He concluded by expressing his gratitude for the time spent at Green Vale, 一个他将永远视之为第二故乡的地方.

老师说话, Karenn Ressa, Upper School Librarian 和 Green Vale veteran of 27 years, 分享了她对观鸟的热爱,并从克里斯蒂安·库珀的经历中吸取了相似之处,向毕业生传授了宝贵的人生经验. Ressa empha大小d the significance of discovering 和 nurturing one's passions, 坚持原则的坚持原则的, 在社交媒体互动中保持谨慎, 维护人类尊严. 回顾库珀的故事, she underscored the importance of listening to one's intellect, 良心, 以及驾驭复杂新葡京官网的心. 

毕业生们走上舞台,为全班合唱麦莉·赛勒斯的《葡京娱乐场官网》. 保持着卓越的传统, 每位毕业生的指导老师在颁发文凭时都对每位学生发表了个性化的评论. 

Dr. 多尔蒂, 在他的告别演说中,他首先对家长们坚定的支持和合作表示了感谢, 突出他们参与的独特方面. Dr. 多尔蒂 also thanked the trustees for their commitment to the school's mission, 表彰教师们对学习的奉献精神, 以及所有澳门新葡京官网员工对他们工作的自豪感. 他承认这些团体在为毕业生的未来做准备方面发挥了关键作用, instilling in them the values 和 skills needed to become conscientious adults.

在向毕业生致辞时. 多尔蒂 celebrated their academic 和 字符 development, citing philosopher John Dewey's belief in the power of reflection over mere experience. 他指出,毕业生们已经学会了学习, 通过社区活动培养坚强的性格, 建立代理机构, 塑造他们未来的能力. 正如杜威所说, your real 学习 comes from reflection more than the experience itself,他说, underscoring the importance of continuous reflection 和 学习. 

Dr. 多尔蒂 praised the graduates for their readiness to face future challenges, 鼓励他们不断反思, 学习, 在他们前进的过程中交流.

Lifers (graduates who attended Green Vale since Nursery or earlier)
埃文·L 'Esperance



Robert Fenwick Jackson Bowl for Excellence in Academic 和 Athletic Endeavor

托马斯·米. 班克罗夫特,小. 公民奖
Alex和ra Kae Lustig


Benjamin Farnsworth V和erpoel奖

Shayla Durrett


莎拉·E. 上一次

Class Of 1967 音乐 Award For Effort And The Advancement Of 音乐 在格林谷:

Cheryl L. 韦伯女子体育奖:

约瑟夫·J. 朱利安体育优秀奖: 

玛格丽特K. 惠勒数学奖: 

凯雷J. 小Coash. 历史奖:
Alex和ra Kae Lustig

Jonpatrick Barry科学奖:

Shayla Durrett

露丝E. 迪金斯杯六年级最高平均成绩:
谢尔·巴辛,索尼娅·马尔霍特拉 & 米娜Mitby

Kaito Cavallo, Jacob Jurim & Jourdyn泰勒

约翰·C. Green Bowl For The Highest Academic Average In Class Eight (Girl & 男孩) 
迪伦莫里茨 & Shayla Durrett

GVS Parent 和 Author Neha Bajaj Speaks to 学生 for Autism Acceptance Month

为了纪念自闭症接受月, GVS 较低的学校 students were treated to a special presentation by Neha Bajaj, 一个GVS家长(内特), 二年级),著有 诺亚紧张的一天. The occasion was not just about sharing a story; it was a celebration of neurodiversity, 个性, 营造更具包容性的环境.


巴贾吉在演讲开始时解释了这本暖心书背后的过程,并指导学生们学习写作的来龙去脉, 修改, 和说明, all of which contributed to bringing Noah's world to life. 深入她自己的作家之旅, 巴贾吉透露了一个秘密:她是一个狂热的读者, 就像她之前的许多学生一样.

正如巴贾吉读到的 诺亚紧张的一天 她大声地描绘了自闭症患者所面临的一些挑战的生动画面. 透过诺亚的眼睛, students began to underst和 a life filled with sensory overload, 社会的复杂性, 以及影响他日常新葡京官网的深刻情感. Bajaj explained how Noah's story isn't just about autism; it's about underst和ing 和 embracing differences, 在我们的社区中培养同理心.

The heart of the story lies within Noah's journey of self-discovery. As he navigates through his intense emotions 和 sensory experiences, he learns to appreciate the unique bond he shares with his brother, 肖恩, 谁面临着类似的困难. 通过他们的联系, 读者见证了接受的力量, 同情, 还有家人坚定不移的支持.



Anticipation filled the Harris 剧院 for the 2nd Grade's performance of 彩虹乌鸦——勒纳佩印第安人的一个传说,讲述了一只羽毛艳丽的乌鸦牺牲自己的美丽,为自己寒冷的身体带来温暖和光明的故事, 黑暗的世界. 

由音乐老师Jess Beja执导,由艺术老师Brigid Coffey和音乐导演Kayla Sorenson提供创意支持, the stage was certainly set for a magical journey bringing nature to life.

校长博士. 杰西·多尔蒂 set the tone with words of encouragement, 赞扬同学们的合作精神,以及他们对角色塑造的执着. 当年轻演员们各就各位时, 他们的脸上洋溢着笑容,在与观众的交流中,他们的热情显而易见.

Coffey’s skillful set design transported the audience into the heart of nature, 为这个传奇故事奠定了完美的背景. 伴随着索伦森的钢琴天赋, the students—dressed as creatures from the story—sang with gusto, filling the theater with melodies that captured the essence of the story. 

从顽皮的老鼠到戴着阳光的天神,再到戴着彩虹羽毛的乌鸦, each child embodied their 字符 和 narrated their lines with pride 和 confidence. 通过乌鸦的旅程, 无私的主题, 牺牲, 和 the importance of community 和 the environment resonated deeply, 给所有观众留下了深刻的印象.

As the final notes of "Over the Rainbow" faded into a roaring applause, it was a clear testament to the students' hard work 和 dedication. 

Additional thanks goes to Head of 较低的学校 Heather Wagner; our 2nd Grade team: Lisa Del Prete, 克里斯蒂娜龚, Takesha格雷厄姆, 和 Helen Yu-Holguin; our technology extraordinaire Danielle Maggi; the music 和 art departments; photographer 和 videographer Chloe Johnson; 和 all of the enthusiastic attendees in the audience.

A Touchdown Talk: A Glimpse into the Strategy of the NFL with William 邓

GVS家长William 邓向高年级学生讲述了他作为美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)企业战略主管的角色。, 提供一个迷人的一瞥到著名的体育组织的内部运作. 

邓, 马歇尔(学前班)和怀亚特(二年级)的父亲, 他的演讲以NFL电影公司每年制作的独家视频开始, 带学生们踏上一段旅程,领略过去这个足球赛季令人振奋的精彩时刻. 学生 were on the edge of their seats as play-by-play moments unfolded on screen, 一路走来收获了一些明显的“哦”和“啊”.

更深入, 邓分享了他对NFL精英世界的见解, 解释了作为一名球员在NFL名册上获得一席之地的严格过程, 0完成的壮举.0.005%的有希望的人. 带着一点幽默, 他打趣地说, "如果你想加入NFL, 走我的路可能是最简单的路线."

但邓的道路并非没有曲折, likening his journey to Sheryl Crow's "Everyday is a Winding Road.“在2023年担任现职之前,邓在NFL媒体战略部门工作了8年 & Business Development group, spearheading various media partnerships. 拥有高盛等知名机构的金融和战略背景, 国际品牌集团, 和克林顿基金会, 邓的学历是B。.S. 拥有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院经济学学士学位和麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院工商管理硕士学位.

深入研究引人入胜的统计数据, 邓 revealed football's status as America's favorite sport, 俘获了70%人口的心, NFL节目在前100个节目中排名第93位,并且在全球范围内继续增长. 美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)的国旗橄榄球联盟(Flag Football League)也在崛起,该联盟现在是2028年洛杉矶奥运会的一部分.

Highlighting the NFL's staggering $20 Billion annual revenue stream from media, 门票销售, 事件, 商品, 和赞助, 邓让学生们一窥NFL的众多就业机会, 生成策略, 内容制作, 法律, 及以后.

专注于他作为企业战略主管的角色, 邓简化了“战略”这个词,将其定义为设定目标, 然后制定一个计划来实现这个目标. His specific responsibilities include identifying trends, 围绕长期增长潜力设定目标, 确保每个人都能完成任务,一起工作. From enhancing game safety 和 excitement to engaging the next generation of fans, 邓's strategic vision encompassed every facet of the NFL's operations.

在关闭, 邓 imparted invaluable advice on the power of networking, 弹性, 和自我发现, urging students to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. “总是倾听,努力工作,了解自己的优势,不要害怕失败,再试一次。.”

他的话在空气中萦绕, 学生们带着新的灵感离开,对NFL的内部运作有了更深入的了解.


Green Vale hosted its annual Book Fair on 4月il 8-12 in the Cheryl Webb Gymnasium.

健身房似乎活跃起来了, 像各种形状的书一样, 大小, 流派在表格中排列, 它们五颜六色的封面吸引着好奇的人去探索. 从幼儿园到八年级的学生们走进书展,看到这么多等待被发现的书,他们的眼睛里充满了兴奋.  

整个星期,学生们都在走廊里浏览,渴望找到他们下一个最喜欢的读物. The Book Fair concluded with a gr和 finale at Gr和parents & “朋友日”是学生们最后一次把他们的文学珍品带回家的日子.

衷心感谢所有志愿者, 尤其是联合主席苏西·安德森和玛丽亚·勒斯蒂格, 是谁努力工作以确保一切顺利进行. 

格林谷的书展不仅仅是一个买书的机会,也是一个培养对阅读的热爱和发现新故事的机会. 这周末之前, 学生们抱着满满的书离开了书展,心中充满了对书页中等待他们的冒险的兴奋.